domingo, abril 10, 2011

The danger of a single story.

I confess it. I have never heard about Chimamanda Adichie. However, a few days ago, Mariajo, a very good friend of mine broadcasted in her blog a conference of this Nigerian woman. But, who is she? Who is this so cute black woman? Chimamanda Adichie is one of the most famous Nigerian writers and, as everybody knows, there are not many Nigerian ones. After watch this video I started to be interested in her work. Fortunately, in the library of my University I found his first book, which was awarded with Commonwealth Writers' Prize for the first book in 2005, titled "Purple Hibiscus". It`s a real emotional story full of tragedy, religion and love.
In this video, Chimamanda Adichie's voice is clear and amusing and it reveals us how terrible is to see only one side of the coin or hear only one version of what had happen in the world. Highly recommended.

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